#!/usr/bin/perl -T # # W3C Markup Validation Service # A CGI script to retrieve and validate a markup file # # Copyright 1995-2004 Gerald Oskoboiny # for additional contributors, see http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/validator/ # # This source code is available under the license at: # http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software # # $Id: check,v 1.305.2.148 2004/07/21 10:24:06 link Exp $ # # Disable buffering on STDOUT! $| = 1; # # We need Perl 5.6.0+. use 5.006; ############################################################################### #### Load modules. ############################################################ ############################################################################### # # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # # Modules. See also the BEGIN block further down below. # # Version numbers given where we absolutely need a minimum version of a given # module (gives nicer error messages). By default, add an empty import list # when loading modules to prevent non-OO or poorly written modules from # polluting our namespace. # use CGI 2.81 qw( -newstyle_urls -private_tempfiles redirect ); # 2.81 for XHTML, and import redirect() function. use CGI::Carp qw(carp croak fatalsToBrowser); use Config::General qw(); use File::Spec qw(); use HTML::Parser 3.25 qw(); # Need 3.25 for $p->ignore_elements. use HTTP::Request qw(); use HTTP::Headers::Auth qw(); # Needs to be imported after other HTTP::*. use IO::File qw(); use LWP::UserAgent 1.90 qw(); # Need 1.90 for protocols_(allowed|forbidden) use Net::hostent qw(gethostbyname); use Net::IP qw(); use Set::IntSpan qw(); use Socket qw(inet_ntoa); use Text::Iconv qw(); use Text::Wrap qw(wrap); use URI qw(); use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape); ############################################################################### #### Constant definitions. #################################################### ############################################################################### # # Define global constants use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => 0; # # Tentative Validation Severities. use constant T_DEBUG => 1; # 0000 0001 use constant T_INFO => 2; # 0000 0010 use constant T_WARN => 4; # 0000 0100 use constant T_ERROR => 8; # 0000 1000 use constant T_FATAL => 16; # 0001 0000 use constant T_FALL => 32; # 0010 0000, Fallback in effect. # # Output flags for error processing use constant O_SOURCE => 1; # 0000 0001 use constant O_CHARSET => 2; # 0000 0010 use constant O_DOCTYPE => 4; # 0000 0100 use constant O_NONE => 8; # 0000 1000 # # Define global variables. use vars qw($DEBUG $CFG $RSRC $VERSION $HAVE_IPC_RUN); our $HAVE_SOAP_LITE; # # Things inside BEGIN don't happen on every request in persistent # environments, such as mod_perl. So let's do globals, eg. read config here. BEGIN { # # Read Config Files. $CFG = &read_cfg($ENV{W3C_VALIDATOR_CFG} || '/etc/w3c/validator.conf'); if (! -x $CFG->{'SGML Parser'}) { die("Configured SGML Parser '$CFG->{'SGML Parser'}' not executable!"); } # # Use IPC::Run on mod_perl if it's available, IPC::Open3 otherwise. $HAVE_IPC_RUN = 0; if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require IPC::Run; IPC::Run->import('run', 'timeout'); }; $HAVE_IPC_RUN = !$@; } unless ($HAVE_IPC_RUN) { require IPC::Open3; IPC::Open3->import('open3'); } #FIXME: This is just a framework and highly experimental! # # Load SOAP::Lite if available and allowed by config. $HAVE_SOAP_LITE = FALSE; if (exists $ENV{'HTTP_SOAPACTION'} and $CFG->{'Enable SOAP'} == TRUE) { eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require SOAP::Transport::HTTP; }; $HAVE_SOAP_LITE = !$@; } #FIXME; # # Read Resource files... (friendly error messages) my %config_opts = (-ConfigFile => $CFG->{'Verbose Msg'}); my %rsrc = Config::General->new(%config_opts)->getall(); $RSRC = \%rsrc; # # Set debug flag. $DEBUG = TRUE if $ENV{W3C_VALIDATOR_DEBUG} || $CFG->{DEBUG}; # # Strings $VERSION = q$Revision: 1.305.2.148 $; $VERSION =~ s/Revision: ([\d\.]+) /$1/; # # Use passive FTP by default. $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1 unless exists($ENV{FTP_PASSIVE}); # # Read TAB-delimited configuration files. Returns a hash reference. sub read_cfg { my $file = shift; my %cfg; my $fh = new IO::File $file; unless (defined $fh) { die <<".EOF."; open($file) returned: $! (Did you forget to set \$ENV{W3C_VALIDATOR_CFG} or to copy validator.conf to /etc/w3c/validator.conf?) .EOF. } while (<$fh>) { next if /^\s*$/; next if /^\s*\#/; chomp; my($k, $v) = split /\t+/, $_, 2; $v = '' unless defined $v; if ($v =~ s(^file://){}) { $cfg{$k} = &read_cfg($v); } elsif ($v =~ /,/) { $cfg{$k} = [split /,/, $v]; } else { # Launder data for Perl 5.8+ taint mode, trusting the config... $v =~ /^(.*)$/; $cfg{$k} = $1; } } undef $fh; return \%cfg; } } # end of BEGIN block. # # Get rid of (possibly insecure) $PATH. delete $ENV{PATH}; ############################################################################### #### Process CGI variables and initialize. #################################### ############################################################################### # # Create a new CGI object. my $q; unless ($HAVE_SOAP_LITE) { $q = new CGI; } # # The data structure that will hold all session data. my $File; # # Pseudo-SSI include header and footer for output. $File->{'Header'} = &prepSSI({ File => $CFG->{'Header'}, Title => 'Validation Results', Revision => $VERSION, }); $File->{'Footer'} = &prepSSI({ File => $CFG->{'Footer'}, Date => q$Date: 2004/07/21 10:24:06 $, }); # # SSI Footer for static pages does not include closing tags for body & html. $File->{'Footer'} .= qq( \n\n); # # Prepare standard HTML preamble for output. $File->{'Results'} = "Content-Language: en\n"; $File->{'Results'} .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; $File->{'Results'} .= $File->{'Header'}; ############################################## # Populate $File->{Env} -- Session Metadata. # ############################################## # # The URL to this CGI Script. unless ($HAVE_SOAP_LITE) { $File->{Env}->{'Self URI'} = $q->url(-query => 0); } # # Initialize parameters we'll need (and override) later. # (casing policy: lowercase early) $File->{Charset}->{Use} = ''; # The charset used for validation. $File->{Charset}->{Auto} = ''; # Autodetection using XML rules (Appendix F) $File->{Charset}->{HTTP} = ''; # From HTTP's "charset" parameter. $File->{Charset}->{META} = ''; # From HTML's . $File->{Charset}->{XML} = ''; # From the XML Declaration. $File->{Charset}->{Override} = ''; # From CGI/user override. # # Array (ref) used to store character offsets for the XML report. $File->{Offsets}->[0] = [0, 0]; # The first item isn't used... # # List to hold line numbers for encoding errors $File->{Lines} = []; ######################################### # Populate $File->{Opt} -- CGI Options. # ######################################### # # Preprocess the CGI parameters. if ($HAVE_SOAP_LITE) { SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI->dispatch_to('MySOAP')->handle; exit; # SOAP calls do all the processing in the sub... } else { $q = &prepCGI($File, $q); # # Set session switches. $File->{Opt}->{'Outline'} = $q->param('outline') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Show Source'} = $q->param('ss') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Show Parsetree'} = $q->param('sp') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'} = $q->param('noatt') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Show ESIS'} = $q->param('esis') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Show Errors'} = $q->param('errors') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Verbose'} = $q->param('verbose') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Debug'} = $q->param('debug') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'No200'} = $q->param('No200') ? TRUE : FALSE; # $File->{Opt}->{'Fussy'} = $q->param('fussy') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{'Charset'} = $q->param('charset') ? lc $q->param('charset'): ''; $File->{Opt}->{'DOCTYPE'} = $q->param('doctype') ? $q->param('doctype') : ''; $File->{Opt}->{'URI'} = $q->param('uri') ? $q->param('uri') : ''; $File->{Opt}->{'Output'} = $q->param('output') ? $q->param('output') : 'html'; $File->{Opt}->{'Max Errors'} = $q->param('me') ? $q->param('me') : ''; # # "Fallback" info for Character Encoding (fbc), Content-Type (fbt), # and DOCTYPE (fbd). If TRUE, the Override values are treated as # Fallbacks instead of Overrides. $File->{Opt}->{FB}->{Charset} = $q->param('fbc') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{FB}->{Type} = $q->param('fbt') ? TRUE : FALSE; $File->{Opt}->{FB}->{DOCTYPE} = $q->param('fbd') ? TRUE : FALSE; # # If ";debug" was given, let it overrule the value from the config file, # regardless of whether it's "0" or "1" (on or off). $DEBUG = $q->param('debug') if defined $q->param('debug'); $File->{Opt}->{Verbose} = TRUE if $DEBUG; &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_NONE); # Too early to &print_table. # # Get the file and metadata. if ($q->param('uploaded_file')) { $File = &handle_file($q, $File); } elsif ($q->param('fragment')) { $File = &handle_frag($q, $File); } elsif ($q->param('uri')) { $File = &handle_uri($q, $File); } } # # Get rid of the CGI object. undef $q; # # We don't need STDIN any more, so get rid of it to avoid getting clobbered # by Apache::Registry's idiotic interference under mod_perl. untie *STDIN; # # Abort if an error was flagged during initialization. &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_NONE); # Too early to &print_table. ############################################################################### #### Output validation results. ############################################### ############################################################################### # # Print different things if we got redirected or had a file upload. if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { &add_table($File, 'File', &ent($File->{URI})); } else { my $size = (length($File->{Opt}->{URI}) || 38) + 2; $size = 50 if $size > 50; if (URI::eq("$File->{Opt}->{URI}", $File->{URI})) { &add_table($File, qq(), [1, 2, '']); } else { my $furi = &ent($File->{URI}); &add_table($File, qq(), ''); &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', sprintf( 'The URL you gave me, <%s>, returned a redirect to <%s>.', &ent($File->{Opt}->{URI}), $furi ) ); } } $File = &find_xml_encoding($File); # # Decide on a charset to use (first part) # if ($File->{Charset}->{HTTP}) { # HTTP, if given, is authoritative. $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{HTTP}; } elsif ($File->{ContentType} =~ m(^text/([-.a-zA-Z0-9]\+)?xml$)) { # Act as if $http_charset was 'us-ascii'. (MIME rules) $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'us-ascii'; my @_source; if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { @_source = ('sent by your web browser', ($File->{Server}||'unknown'), 'browser send'); } else { @_source = ('returned by your web server', ($File->{Server}||'unknown'), 'server return'); } &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); The HTTP Content-Type header $_source[0] ($_source[1]) did not contain a "charset" parameter, but the Content-Type was one of the XML text/* sub-types ($File->{ContentType}). The relevant specification (RFC 3023) specifies a strong default of "us-ascii" for such documents so we will use this value regardless of any encoding you may have indicated elsewhere. If you would like to use a different encoding, you should arrange to have your $_source[2] this new encoding information. .EOF. } elsif ($File->{Charset}->{XML}) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{XML}; } elsif ($File->{Charset}->{Auto} =~ /^utf-16[bl]e$/ && $File->{BOM} == 2) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'utf-16'; } elsif ($File->{ContentType} =~ m(^application/([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\+)?xml$)) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = "utf-8"; } elsif (&is_xml($File->{Type}) and not $File->{ContentType} =~ m(^text/)) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'utf-8'; # UTF-8 (image/svg+xml etc.) } $File->{Content} = &normalize_newlines($File->{Bytes}, exact_charset($File, $File->{Charset}->{Use})); # # Try to extract META charset # (works only if ascii-based and reasonably clean before ) $File = &preparse($File); unless ($File->{Charset}->{Use}) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{META}; } # # Handle any Fallback or Override for the charset. if (&conflict($File->{Opt}->{Charset}, '(detect automatically)')) { # charset=foo was given to the CGI and it wasn't "autodetect". # # Extract the user-requested charset from CGI param. my ($override, undef) = split(/\s/, $File->{Opt}->{Charset}, 2); $File->{Charset}->{Override} = lc($override); if ($File->{Opt}->{FB}->{Charset}) { unless ($File->{Charset}->{Use}) { &add_warning($File, 'fallback', 'No Character Encoding Found!', <<".EOF."); # Warn about fallback... Falling back to "$File->{Charset}->{Override}" (explain...). .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; # Tag it as Invalid. $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{Override}; } } else { # Warn about Override unless it's the same as the real charset... unless ($File->{Charset}->{Override} eq $File->{Charset}->{Use}) { my $cs_use = &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}); my $cs_opt = &ent($File->{Charset}->{Override}); &add_warning($File, 'override', 'Character Encoding Override in effect!', <<".EOF."); The detected character encoding "$cs_use" has been suppressed and "$cs_opt" used instead. .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{Override}; } } } unless ($File->{Charset}->{Use}) { # No charset given... my $message = <<".EOF.";

I was not able to extract a character encoding labeling from any of the valid sources for such information. Without encoding information it is impossible to reliably validate the document. I'm falling back to the "UTF-8" encoding and will attempt to perform the validation, but this is likely to fail for all non-trivial documents.

.EOF. if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose}) { $message .= <<".EOF.";

The sources I tried to find encoding information include:

And I even tried to autodetect it using the algorithm defined in Appendix F of the XML 1.0 Recommendation.

Since none of these sources yielded any usable information, I will not be able to reliably validate this document. Sorry. Please make sure you specify the character encoding in use.

Specifying a character encoding is normally done in the web server configuration file or administration program. The W3C I18N Activity has collected a few tips on how to do this in popular web server implementations.

.EOF. $message .= &iana_charset_blurb(); $message .= <<".EOF.";

To quickly check whether the document would validate after addressing the missing character encoding information, you can use the "Encoding" form control (accesskey "2") earlier in the page to force an encoding override to take effect. "iso-8859-1" (Western Europe and North America) and "utf-8" (Universal, but not commonly used in legacy documents) are common encodings if you are not sure what encoding to choose.

.EOF. } else { $message .= <<".EOF.";

So what should I do? Tell me more...

.EOF. } my $title = 'No Character Encoding Found! Falling back to UTF-8.'; &add_warning($File, 'fatal', $title, $message); $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; # Can never be valid. $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'utf-8'; } sub iana_charset_blurb () { return <<".EOF.";

IANA maintains the list of official names for character sets and the WDG has some information to help you correctly specify the character encoding.

.EOF. } # # Abort if an error was flagged while finding the encoding. &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_CHARSET|O_DOCTYPE); # # Check the detected Encoding and transcode. if (&conflict($File->{Charset}->{Use}, 'utf-8')) { $File = &transcode($File); &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_CHARSET); } $File = &check_utf8($File); # always check $File = &byte_error($File); # # Abort if an error was flagged during transcoding &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_SOURCE|O_CHARSET); # # Overall parsing algorithm for documents returned as text/html: # # For documents that come to us as text/html, # # 1. check if there's a doctype # 2. if there is a doctype, parse/validate against that DTD # 3. if no doctype, check for an xmlns= attribute on the first element # 4. if there is an xmlns= attribute, check for XML well-formedness # 5. if there is no xmlns= attribute, and no DOCTYPE, punt. # # # Override DOCTYPE if user asked for it. if ($File->{Opt}->{DOCTYPE} and not $File->{Opt}->{DOCTYPE} =~ /(Inline|detect)/i) { $File = &override_doctype($File); } # # Try to extract a DOCTYPE or xmlns. $File = &preparse($File); # # Set document type to XHTML if the DOCTYPE was for XHTML. # Set document type to MathML if the DOCTYPE was for MathML. # This happens when the file is served as text/html $File->{Type} = 'xhtml+xml' if $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ /xhtml/i; $File->{Type} = 'mathml+xml' if $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ /mathml/i; # # Sanity check Charset information and add any warnings necessary. $File = &charset_conflicts($File); # # Add metadata iff asked for. if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose}) { &add_table($File, "Modified", [1, 2, &ent($File->{Modified}) ]) if $File->{Modified}; &add_table($File, "Server", [1, 2, &ent($File->{Server}) ]) if $File->{Server}; &add_table($File, "Size", [1, 2, &ent($File->{Size}) ]) if $File->{Size}; &add_table($File, "Content-Type", [1, 2, &ent($File->{ContentType})]) if $File->{ContentType}; } if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { &add_table($File, 'Encoding', &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use})); } else { &add_table($File, qq(), &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}), &popup_charset); } # # Abandon all hope ye who enter here... $File = &parse($File); sub parse (\$) { my $File = shift; # # By default, use SGML catalog file and SGML Declaration. my $catalog = File::Spec->catfile($CFG->{'SGML Library'}, 'sgml.soc'); my @spopt = qw( -R -wvalid -wnon-sgml-char-ref -wno-duplicate ); # # Switch to XML semantics if file is XML. if (&is_xml($File->{Type})) { $catalog = File::Spec->catfile($CFG->{'SGML Library'}, 'xml.soc'); push(@spopt, '-wxml'); &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); The Validator XML support has some limitations. .EOF. } else { # Only add these in SGML mode. # if ($File->{Opt}->{'Fussy'}) { # push @spopt, '-wmin-tag'; # push @spopt, '-wfully-tagged'; # push @spopt, '-wrefc'; # push @spopt, '-wmissing-att-name'; # push @spopt, '-wdata-delim'; # &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); # The Validator is running in "Fussy" mode. In this mode it will generate # warnings about some things that are not strictly forbidden in the HTML # Recommendation, but that are known to be problematic in popular browsers. # In general it is recommended that you fix any such errors regardless, but # if in doubt you can rerun the Validator in its lax mode to find out if it # will pass your document then. #.EOF. # } } # # Defaults for SP; turn off fixed charset mode and set encoding to UTF-8. $ENV{SP_CHARSET_FIXED} = 'NO'; $ENV{SP_ENCODING} = 'UTF-8'; $ENV{SP_BCTF} = 'UTF-8'; # # Tell onsgmls about the SGML Library. $ENV{SGML_SEARCH_PATH} = $CFG->{'SGML Library'}; # # Set the command to execute. my @cmd = ($CFG->{'SGML Parser'}, '-n', '-c', $catalog, @spopt); #FIXME: This needs a UI and testing! # # Set onsgmls' -E switch to the number of errors requested. if ($File->{Opt}->{'Max Errors'} =~ m(^all$)i) { push @cmd, '-E0'; } elsif ($File->{Opt}->{'Max Errors'} =~ m(^(\d+)$)) { my $numErr = $1; if ($numErr >= 200) { $numErr = 200; } elsif ($numErr <= 0) { $numErr = 0; #FIXME: Should add feature to supress error output in this case.; } push @cmd, '-E' . $numErr; } else { push @cmd, '-E' . ($CFG->{'Max Errors'} || 0); # "-E0" means "all". } #FIXME; if ($DEBUG) { &add_table($File, 'Command', [1, 2, &ent("@cmd")]); &add_table($File, 'SP_CHARSET_FIXED', [1, 2, '' . &ent($ENV{SP_CHARSET_FIXED}) . '']); &add_table($File, 'SP_ENCODING', [1, 2, '' . &ent($ENV{SP_ENCODING}) . '']); &add_table($File, 'SP_BCTF', [1, 2, '' . &ent($ENV{SP_BCTF}) . '']); } # # Temporary filehandles. my $spin = IO::File->new_tmpfile; my $spout = IO::File->new_tmpfile; my $sperr = IO::File->new_tmpfile; # # Dump file to a temp file for parsing. for (@{$File->{Content}}) { print $spin $_, "\n"; } # # seek() to beginning of the file. seek $spin, 0, 0; # # Run it through SP, redirecting output to temporary files. if ($HAVE_IPC_RUN) { local $^W = 0; run(\@cmd, $spin, $spout, $sperr, timeout(60)); undef $spin; } else { my $pid = do { no warnings 'once'; local(*SPIN, *SPOUT, *SPERR) = ($spin, $spout, $sperr); open3("<&SPIN", ">&SPOUT", ">&SPERR", @cmd); }; undef $spin; waitpid $pid, 0; } # # Rewind temporary filehandles. seek $_, 0, 0 for $spout, $sperr; $File = &parse_errors($File, $sperr); # Parse error output. undef $sperr; # Get rid of no longer needed filehandle. $File->{ESIS} = []; my $elements_found = 0; while (<$spout>) { push @{$File->{'DEBUG'}->{ESIS}}, $_; $elements_found++ if /^\(/; if (/^Axmlns() \w+ (.*)/ or /^Axmlns:([^ ]+) \w+ (.*)/) { if (not $File->{Namespace} and $elements_found == 0 and $1 eq "") { $File->{Namespace} = $2; } $File->{Namespaces}->{$2}++; } next if / IMPLIED$/; next if /^ASDAFORM CDATA /; next if /^ASDAPREF CDATA /; chomp; # Removes trailing newlines push @{$File->{ESIS}}, $_; } undef $spout; if (@{$File->{ESIS}} && $File->{ESIS}->[-1] =~ /^C$/) { pop(@{$File->{ESIS}}); $File->{'Is Valid'} = TRUE; } else { $File->{'Is Valid'} = FALSE; } # # Set Version to be the FPI initially. $File->{Version} = $File->{DOCTYPE}; # # Extract any version attribute from the ESIS. for (@{$File->{ESIS}}) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; next unless /^AVERSION CDATA (.*)/; if ($1 eq '-//W3C//DTD HTML Fallback//EN') { $File->{Tentative} |= (T_ERROR | T_FALL); &add_warning($File, 'fallback', 'DOCTYPE Fallback in effect!', <<".EOF."); The DOCTYPE Declaration in your document was not recognized. This probably means that the Formal Public Identifier contains a spelling error, or that the Declaration is not using correct syntax. Validation has been performed using a default "fallback" Document Type Definition that closely resembles HTML 4.01 Transitional, but the document will not be Valid until you have corrected the problem with the DOCTYPE Declaration. .EOF. } $File->{Version} = $1; last; } return $File; } # # Force "XML" if type is an XML type and an FPI was not found. # Otherwise set the type to be the FPI. if (&is_xml($File->{Type}) and not $File->{DOCTYPE}) { $File->{Version} = 'XML'; } else { $File->{Version} = $File->{DOCTYPE} unless $File->{Version}; } # # Get the pretty text version of the FPI if a mapping exists. if (my $prettyver = $CFG->{'FPI to Text'}->{$File->{Version}}) { $File->{Version} = $prettyver; } else { $File->{Version} = &ent($File->{Version}); } if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { &add_table($File, 'Doctype', $File->{Version}); } else { &add_table($File, qq(), $File->{Version}, &popup_doctype); } if (&is_xml($File->{Type}) and $File->{Namespace}) { my $rns = &ent($File->{Namespace}); if (&is_xhtml($File->{Type}) and $File->{Namespace} ne 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') { &add_warning($File, 'warning', 'Warning:', "Unknown namespace («$rns») for text/html document!", ); } elsif (&is_svg($File->{Type}) and $File->{Namespace} ne 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') { &add_warning($File, 'warning', 'Warning:', "Unknown namespace («$rns») for SVG document!", ); } &add_table($File, 'Root Namespace', [1, 2, qq($rns)]) if $File->{Opt}->{Verbose}; if (scalar keys %{$File->{Namespaces}} > 1) { my $namespaces = ''; &add_table($File, 'Other Namespaces', [1, 2, $namespaces]) if $File->{Opt}->{Verbose}; } } if (defined $File->{Tentative}) { my $class = ''; $class .= ($File->{Tentative} & T_INFO ? ' info' :''); $class .= ($File->{Tentative} & T_WARN ? ' warning' :''); $class .= ($File->{Tentative} & T_ERROR ? ' error' :''); $class .= ($File->{Tentative} & T_FATAL ? ' fatal' :''); unless ($File->{Tentative} == T_DEBUG) { $File->{Notice} = <<".EOF.";

Please note that you have chosen one or more options that alter the content of the document before validation, or have not provided enough information to accurately validate the document. Even if no errors are reported below, the document will not be valid until you manually make the changes we have performed automatically. Specifically, if you used some of the options that override a property of the document (e.g. the DOCTYPE or Character Encoding), you must make the same change to the source document or the server setup before it can be valid. You will also need to insert an appropriate DOCTYPE Declaration or Character Encoding (the "charset" parameter for the Content-Type HTTP header) if any of those are missing.

.EOF. } } if ($File->{Opt}->{Output} eq 'xml') { &report_xml($File); } elsif ($File->{Opt}->{Output} eq 'earl') { &report_earl($File); } elsif ($File->{Opt}->{Output} eq 'n3') { &report_n3($File); } else { print $File->{Results}; print &jump_links($File); print qq(
\n); if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose} or not $File->{'Is Valid'}) { print qq(
\n); &print_table($File); &print_warnings($File) unless $File->{'Is Valid'}; print qq(
\n); } else { if ($File->{'Is Valid'} and not $File->{'Is Upload'}) { my $thispage = $File->{Env}->{'Self URI'}; my $escaped_uri = uri_escape($File->{URI}); $thispage .= qq(?uri=$escaped_uri); $thispage .= ';ss=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Source'}; $thispage .= ';sp=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Parsetree'}; $thispage .= ';noatt=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'}; $thispage .= ';outline=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Outline'}; $thispage .= ';No200=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No200'}; &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); You can also view verbose results by setting the corresponding option on the Extended Interface. .EOF. } } if ($File->{'Is Valid'}) { &report_valid($File); } else { &report_errors($File); } &outline($File) if $File->{Opt}->{'Outline'}; &show_source($File) if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Source'}; &parse_tree($File) if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Parsetree'}; &show_esis($File) if $File->{Opt}->{'Show ESIS'}; &show_errors($File) if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Errors'}; print qq(
\n); # End of "Meat". print $File->{'Footer'}; } # # Get rid of $File object and exit. undef $File; exit; ############################################################################# # Subroutine definitions ############################################################################# # # Add a row to the metadata-table datastructure. # # Takes 3 or more arguments. The first is the reference to the datastructure to # use for storing the table. The second is the header for this row. The third # and subsequent arguments are table data cells. Each argument corresponds to # exactly one table data cell. If the argument is a string it is inserted # directly. If it is a reference it is assumed to be a reference to an array # of 3 elements. The 3 are: rowspan, colspan, and data. # # Make sure that the arguments are properly encoded, this uses them as is. # sub add_table { my $File = shift; my $TH = shift; my @td; foreach my $td (@_) { if (ref $td) { push @td, $td; } else { push @td, [1, 1, $td]; } } if (defined $File->{Table}->{Max}) { $File->{Table}->{Max} = scalar @td if $File->{Table}->{Max} < scalar @td; } else { $File->{Table}->{Max} = scalar @td; } push @{$File->{Table}->{Data}}, { Head => $TH, Tail => \@td}; } # # Print the table containing the metadata about the Document Entity. sub print_table { my $File = shift; # @@@FIXME@@@: This is a *hack*! ;D unless ($File->{'Is Valid'} or scalar @{$File->{Errors} || []} == 0) { &add_table($File, 'Errors', scalar @{$File->{Errors}}); } print qq(
\n) unless $File->{'Is Upload'}; print join '', @{&serialize_table($File, 'header')}; # Don't output revalidation options for uploads, can't revalidate them. return if ($File->{'Is Upload'}); my $Options = {}; my $Form = {}; $Form->{Table}->{Fieldset} = TRUE; $Form->{Table}->{Accesskey} = '4'; $Form->{Table}->{Legend} = 'Revalidate With Options: (accesskey: 4)'; add_table($Options, '', # Show source? q(), # Outline? q() ); add_table($Options, '', # Parse tree? q(), # No attributes? q() ); add_table($Options, '', # Validate error pages? q(), # Verbose output? q() ); # add_table($Options, '', # # Fussy Parse Mode? # q(), # ); add_table( $Form, q(), [1, $File->{Table}->{Max}, join('', @{&serialize_table($Options, 'options')})] ); print <<".EOF.";
Revalidate With Options .EOF. print join '', @{&serialize_table($Form, 'header')}; # this code should not be redundant - we have the same if page is valid my $thispage = $File->{Env}->{'Self URI'}; my $escaped_uri = uri_escape($File->{URI}); $thispage .= qq(?uri=$escaped_uri); $thispage .= ';ss=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Source'}; $thispage .= ';sp=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Parsetree'}; $thispage .= ';noatt=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'}; $thispage .= ';outline=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Outline'}; $thispage .= ';No200=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No200'}; # end redundant code print <<".EOF.";

Help on the options is available.

.EOF. # unless ($File->{Opt}->{'Verbose'}) { # print <<".EOF."; #

# Verbose output will give you # explanations in addition to the error messages. #

#.EOF. # } print qq(
\n); print qq(
\n); print qq(
\n); print qq(
\n); } # # Serialize a table datastructure ($th, @td) into HTML. # Takes two arguments; the datastructure, and a CSS class name for the table. # Returns a reference to an array of lines (to enable re-indentation). sub serialize_table { my $table = shift; my $class = shift; my @table = (); push @table, qq(\n); foreach my $tr (@{$table->{Table}->{Data}}) { if (ref $tr->{Head}) { my $opts = ''; push @table, " \n"; if ($tr->{Head}->[0] > 1) { $opts .= qq( rowspan="$tr->{Head}->[0]"); } if ($tr->{Head}->[1] > 1) { $opts .= qq( colspan="$tr->{Head}->[1]"); } push @table, " " . $tr->{Head}->[2] . ": \n"; } elsif ($tr->{Head}) { push @table, " \n"; push @table, " \n"; } else { push @table, " \n"; # Table has no header column. } for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$tr->{Tail}}; $i++) { my $opts = ''; if ($tr->{Tail}->[$i]->[0] > 1) { $opts .= qq( rowspan="$tr->{Tail}->[$i]->[0]"); } if ($tr->{Tail}->[$i]->[1] > 1) { $opts .= qq( colspan="$tr->{Tail}->[$i]->[1]"); } push @table, sprintf(" %s\n", $opts, ($tr->{Tail}->[$i]->[2] || '')); } push @table, " \n"; } push @table, qq(
" . $tr->{Head} . ":
\n); return \@table; } # # Add a waring message to the output. sub add_warning ($$$$) { my $File = shift; my $Class = shift; my $Title = shift; my $Message = shift; push @{$File->{Warnings}}, { Class => $Class, Title => $Title, Message => $Message, }; } # # Print out a list of warnings. sub print_warnings { my $File = shift; return unless (defined $File->{Warnings} and scalar @{$File->{Warnings}}); print qq(
\n); for (@{$File->{Warnings}}) { if ($_->{Class} eq 'fake' and not $File->{'Is Valid'}) { next; # Don't report twice if file is invalid. } printf qq(


\n), $_->{Class}, $_->{Title}; printf qq(
), $_->{Message}; } print qq(
\n); } # # Print HTML explaining why/how to use a DOCTYPE Declaration. sub doctype_spiel { return <<".EOF.";

You should place a DOCTYPE declaration as the very first thing in your HTML document. For example, for a typical XHTML 1.0 document:

      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

          <!-- ... body of document ... -->

For XML documents, you may also wish to include an "XML Declaration" even before the DOCTYPE Declaration, but this is not well supported in older browsers. More information about this can be found in the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation.

.EOF. } # # Generate HTML for the "Jump to:" links in results. sub jump_links { my ($File) = @_; my $links = ''; my $me = &uri_escape(&self_url_file($File)); $links .= <<".EOF.";
Jump To:
\n"; return $links; } # # Proxy authentication requests. # Note: expects the third argument to be a hash ref (see HTTP::Headers::Auth). sub authenticate { my $File = shift; my $resource = shift; my $authHeader = shift || {}; my $realm = $resource; $realm =~ s([^\w\d.-]*){}g; $resource = &ent($resource); for my $scheme (keys(%$authHeader)) { my $origrealm = $authHeader->{$scheme}->{realm}; if (!defined($origrealm) || lc($scheme) !~ /^(?:basic|digest)$/) { delete($authHeader->{$scheme}); next; } $authHeader->{$scheme}->{realm} = "$realm-$origrealm"; } my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(Connection => 'close'); $headers->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8'); $headers->www_authenticate(%$authHeader); $headers = $headers->as_string(); print <<"EOF"; Status: 401 Authorization Required $headers 401 Authorization Required

Authorization Required

Sorry, I am not authorized to access the specified URL.

The URL you specified, <$resource>, returned a 401 "authorization required" response when I tried to download it.

You should have been prompted by your browser for a username/password pair; if you had supplied this information, I would have forwarded it to your server for authorization to access the resource. You can use your browser's "reload" function to try again, if you wish.

Of course, you may not want to trust me with this information, which is fine. I can tell you that I don't log it or do anything else nasty with it, and you can download the source code for this service to see what it does, but you have no guarantee that this is actually the code I'm using; you basically have to decide whether to trust me or not :-)

You should also be aware that the way we proxy this authentication information defeats the normal working of HTTP Authentication. If you authenticate to server A, your browser may keep sending the authentication information to us every time you validate a page, regardless of what server it's on, and we'll happily pass that on to the server thereby making it possible for a malicious server operator to capture your credentials.

Due to the way HTTP Authentication works there is no way we can avoid this. We are using some "tricks" to fool your client into not sending this information in the first place, but there is no guarantee this will work. If security is a concern to you, you may wish to avoid validating protected resources or take extra precautions to prevent your browser from sending authentication information when validating other servers.

Also note that you shouldn't use HTTP Basic Authentication for anything which really needs to be private, since the password goes across the network unencrypted.

EOF } # # Complain about unknown HTTP responses. sub http_error { my $uri = &ent(shift); my $code = &ent(shift); my $message = &ent(shift); print <<"EOF";

I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve <$uri>:

$code $message

Please make sure you have entered the URL correctly.

EOF } # # Print blurb advocating using the CSS Validator. sub output_css_validator_blurb { my $uri = ent(uri_escape(shift)); print <<"EOHD";

If you use CSS in your document, you should also check it for validity using the W3C CSS Validation Service.

EOHD } sub daily_tip { my @tipAddrs = keys %{$CFG->{'Tips DB'}}; srand(time()); my $tipAddr = $tipAddrs[rand scalar @tipAddrs]; my $tipSlug = $CFG->{'Tips DB'}->{$tipAddr}; return <<"EOHD";
Tip Of The Day:
EOHD } # # Fetch an URL and return the content and selected meta-info. sub handle_uri { my $q = shift; # The CGI object. my $File = shift; # The master datastructure. my $uri = new URI (ref $q ? $q->param('uri') : $q); my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("W3C_Validator/$VERSION " . $ua->agent); $ua->parse_head(0); # Parse the http-equiv stuff ourselves. @@ Why? $ua->protocols_allowed($CFG->{'Allowed Protocols'} || ['http', 'https']); unless ($ua->is_protocol_supported($uri)) { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = &uri_rejected($uri->scheme()); return $File; } my $addr = my $iptype = undef; if (my $host = gethostbyname($uri->host())) { $addr = inet_ntoa($host->addr()) if $host->addr(); if ($addr && (my $ip = Net::IP->new($addr))) { $iptype = $ip->iptype(); } } $iptype = 'PUBLIC' if ($iptype && $iptype eq 'PRIVATE' && $CFG->{'Allow Private IPs'}); if ($iptype && $iptype ne 'PUBLIC') { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = &ip_rejected($uri->host(), $addr); return $File; } undef $iptype; undef $addr; my $req = new HTTP::Request(GET => $uri); # If we got a Authorization header, the client is back at it after being # prompted for a password so we insert the header as is in the request. if($ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION}){ $req->headers->header(Authorization => $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION}); } my $res = $ua->request($req); unless ($res->code == 200 || $File->{Opt}->{'No200'}) { if ($res->code == 401) { my %auth = $res->www_authenticate(); # HTTP::Headers::Auth &authenticate($File, $res->request->url, \%auth); } else { print $File->{Results}; &http_error($uri->as_string, $res->code, $res->message); } print $File->{'Footer'}; exit; } my($type, $ct, $charset) = &parse_content_type( $File, $res->header('Content-Type'), scalar($res->request->url), ); my $lastmod = undef; if ( $res->last_modified ) { $lastmod = scalar(gmtime($res->last_modified)); } $File->{Bytes} = $res->content; $File->{Type} = $type; $File->{ContentType} = $ct; $File->{Charset}->{HTTP} = lc $charset; $File->{Modified} = $lastmod; $File->{Server} = &ent(scalar $res->server); $File->{Size} = scalar $res->content_length; $File->{URI} = scalar $res->request->url; $File->{'Is Upload'} = FALSE; return $File; } # # Handle uploaded file and return the content and selected meta-info. sub handle_file { my $q = shift; # The CGI object. my $File = shift; # The master datastructure. my $f = $q->param('uploaded_file'); my $h = $q->uploadInfo($f); my $file; local $/ = undef; # set line delimiter so that <> reads rest of file $file = <$f>; my($type, $ct, $charset) = &parse_content_type($File, $h->{'Content-Type'}); $File->{Bytes} = $file; $File->{Type} = $type; $File->{ContentType} = $ct; $File->{Charset}->{HTTP} = lc $charset; $File->{Modified} = $h->{'Last-Modified'}; $File->{Server} = &ent($h->{'User-Agent'}); # Fake a "server". :-) $File->{Size} = $h->{'Content-Length'}; $File->{URI} = "$f"; # Need to stringify because we want ref # to return false later in add_table. This # is also a file handle... see man CGI. $File->{'Is Upload'} = TRUE; return $File; } # # Handle uploaded file and return the content and selected meta-info. sub handle_frag { my $q = shift; # The CGI object. my $File = shift; # The master datastructure. $File->{Bytes} = $q->param('fragment'); $File->{Type} = 'html'; $File->{Modified} = ''; $File->{Server} = ''; $File->{Size} = ''; $File->{URI} = 'upload://Form Submission'; $File->{'Is Upload'} = TRUE; return $File; } # # Parse a Content-Type and parameters. Return document type and charset. sub parse_content_type { my $File = shift; my $Content_Type = shift; my $url = shift; my $charset = ''; my $type = ''; my($ct, @param) = split /\s*;\s*/, lc $Content_Type; $type = $CFG->{'File Type'}->{$ct} || $ct; foreach my $param (@param) { my($p, $v) = split /\s*=\s*/, $param; next unless $p =~ m(charset)i; if ($v =~ m/([\'\"]?)(\S+)\1/i) { $charset = lc $2; last; } } if ($type =~ m(/)) { if ($type =~ m(text/css) and defined $url) { print redirect 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=' . uri_escape $url; exit; } else { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = sprintf(<<" EOF", &ent($type));

Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type is %s, which is not currently supported by this service.

The Content-Type field is sent by your web server (or web browser if you use the file upload interface) and depends on its configuration. Commonly, web servers will have a mapping of filename extensions (such as ".html") to MIME Content-Type values (such as text/html).

That you recieved this message can mean that your server is not configured correctly, that your file does not have the correct filename extension, or that you are attempting to validate a file type that we do not support yet. In the latter case you should let us know that you need us to support that content type (please include all relevant details, including the URL to the standards document defining the content type) using the instructions on the Feedback Page.

EOF } } return $type, $ct, $charset; } # # Normalize newline forms (CRLF/CR/LF) to native newline. sub normalize_newlines { my $file = shift; local $_ = shift; #charset my $pattern = ''; # don't use backreference parentheses! $pattern = '\x00\x0D(?:\x00\x0A)?|\x00\x0A' if /^utf-16be$/; $pattern = '\x0D\x00(?:\x0A\x00)?|\x0A\x00' if /^utf-16le$/; # $pattern = '\x00\x00\x00\x0D(?:\x00\x00\x00\x0A)?|\x00\x00\x00\x0A' if /^UCS-4be$/; # $pattern = '\x0D\x00\x00\x00(?:\x0A\x00\x00\x00)?|\x0A\x00\x00\x00' if /^UCS-4le$/; # insert other special cases here, such as EBCDIC $pattern = '\x0D(?:\x0A)?|\x0A' if !$pattern; # all other cases return [split /$pattern/, $file]; } # # find exact charset from general one (utf-16) # # needed for per-line conversion and line splitting # (BE is default, but this will apply only to HTML) sub exact_charset { my $File = shift; my $general_charset = shift; my $exact_charset = $general_charset; if ($general_charset eq 'utf-16') { if ($File->{Charset}->{Auto} =~ m/^utf-16[bl]e$/) { $exact_charset = $File->{Charset}->{Auto}; } else { $exact_charset = 'utf-16be'; } } # add same code for ucs-4 here return $exact_charset; } # # Return $_[0] encoded for HTML entities (cribbed from merlyn). # # Note that this is used both for HTML and XML escaping. # sub ent { local $_ = shift; return '' unless defined; # Eliminate warnings s(["<&>"]){'&#' . ord($&) . ';'}ge; # should switch to hex sooner or later return $_; } # # Truncate source lines for report. # # This *really* wants Perl 5.8.0 and it's improved UNICODE support. # Byte semantics are in effect on all length(), substr(), etc. calls, # so offsets will be wrong if there are multi-byte sequences prior to # the column where the error is detected. # sub truncate_line { my $line = shift; my $col = shift; my $start = $col; my $end = $col; for (1..40) { $start-- if ($start - 1 >= 0); # in/de-crement until... $end++ if ($end + 1 <= length $line); # ...we hit end of line. } unless ($end - $start == 80) { if ($start == 0) { # Hit start of line, maybe grab more at end. my $diff = 40 - $col; for (1..$diff) { $end++ if ($end + 1 <= length $line); } } elsif ($end == length $line) { # Hit end of line, maybe grab more at beginning. my $diff = 80 - $col; for (1..$diff) { $start-- if ($start - 1 >= 0); } } } # # Add elipsis at end if necessary. unless ($end == length $line) {substr $line, -3, 3, '...'}; $col = $col - $start; # New offset is diff from $col to $start. $line = substr $line, $start, $end - $start; # Truncate. # # Add elipsis at start if necessary. unless ($start == 0) {substr $line, 0, 3, '...'}; return $line, $col; } # # Suppress any existing DOCTYPE by commenting it out. sub override_doctype { no strict 'vars'; my $File = shift; local $dtd = $CFG->{'Doctypes'}->{$File->{Opt}->{DOCTYPE}}; local $org_dtd = ''; local $HTML = ''; local $seen = FALSE; my $declaration = sub { $seen = TRUE; # No Override if Fallback was requested. if ($File->{Opt}->{FB}->{DOCTYPE}) { $HTML .= $_[0]; # Stash it as is... } else { # Comment it out and insert the new one... $HTML .= "$dtd\n" . ''; $org_dtd = &ent($_[0]); } }; HTML::Parser->new(default_h => [sub {$HTML .= shift}, 'text'], declaration_h => [$declaration, 'text'] )->parse(join "\n", @{$File->{Content}})->eof(); $File->{Content} = [split /\n/, $HTML]; if ($seen) { unless ($File->{Opt}->{FB}->{DOCTYPE}) { my $dtd = ent($File->{Opt}->{DOCTYPE}); &add_warning($File, 'override', 'DOCTYPE Override in effect!', <<".EOF."); The detected DOCTYPE Declaration "$org_dtd" has been suppressed and the DOCTYPE for "$dtd" inserted instead, but even if no errors are shown below the document will not be Valid until you update it to reflect this new DOCTYPE. .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; # Tag it as Invalid. } } else { unshift @{$File->{Content}}, $dtd; if ($File->{Opt}->{FB}->{DOCTYPE}) { &add_warning($File, 'fallback', 'No DOCTYPE Found!', <<".EOF."); Falling back to HTML 4.01 Transitional. (explain...) .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; # Tag it as Invalid. } else { my $dtd = ent($File->{Opt}->{DOCTYPE}); &add_warning($File, 'override', 'DOCTYPE Override in effect!', <<".EOF."); The DOCTYPE Declaration for "$dtd" has been inserted at the start of the document, but even if no errors are shown below the document will not be Valid until you add the new DOCTYPE Declaration. .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_ERROR; # Tag it as Invalid. } } return $File; } # # Parse errors reported by SP. sub parse_errors ($$) { my $File = shift; my $fh = shift; $File->{Errors} = []; # Initialize to an (empty) anonymous array ref. for (<$fh>) { push @{$File->{'DEBUG'}->{Errors}}, $_; chomp; my($err, @errors); next if /^0:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[^A-Z]/; next if /numbers exceeding 65535 not supported/; next if /URL Redirected to/; my(@_err) = split /:/; next unless $_err[1] eq '0'; #@@@ This is a polite fiction! if ($_err[1] =~ m(^)) { @errors = ($_err[0], join(':', $_err[1], $_err[2]), @_err[3..$#_err]); } else { @errors = @_err; } $err->{src} = $errors[1]; $err->{line} = $errors[2]; $err->{char} = $errors[3]; # Workaround for onsgmls 1.5 sometimes reporting errors beyond EOL. if ((my $l = length($File->{Content}->[$err->{line}-1])) < $err->{char}) { $err->{char} = $l; } $err->{num} = $errors[4] || ''; $err->{type} = $errors[5] || ''; if ($err->{type} eq 'E' or $err->{type} eq 'X' or $err->{type} eq 'Q') { $err->{msg} = join ':', @errors[6 .. $#errors]; } elsif ($err->{type} eq 'W') { &add_warning($File, 'fake', 'Warning:', "Line $err->{line}, column $err->{char}: " . &ent($errors[6])); $err->{msg} = join ':', @errors[6 .. $#errors]; } else { $err->{type} = 'I'; $err->{num} = ''; $err->{msg} = join ':', @errors[4 .. $#errors]; } # No or unknown FPI and a relative SI. if ($err->{msg} =~ m(cannot (open|find))) { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = <<".EOF.";

Fatal Error: $err->{msg}

I could not parse this document, because it makes reference to a system-specific file instead of using a well-known public identifier to specify the type of markup being used.

.EOF. $File->{'Error Message'} .= &doctype_spiel(); $File->{'Error Message'} .= "
\n"; } # No DOCTYPE. if ($err->{msg} =~ m(prolog can\'t be omitted)) { my $class = 'fatal'; my $title = 'No DOCTYPE Found! Falling Back to HTML 4.01 Transitional'; my $message = <<".EOF.";

A DOCTYPE Declaration is mandatory for most current markup languages and without one it is impossible to reliably validate this document. I am falling back to "HTML 4.01 Transitional" and will attempt to validate the document anyway, but this is very likely to produce spurious error messages for most non-trivial documents.

.EOF. if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose}) { $message .= &doctype_spiel(); $message .= <<".EOF.";

The W3C QA Activity maintains a List of Valid Doctypes that you can choose from, and the WDG maintains a document on "Choosing a DOCTYPE".

.EOF. } else { $message .= <<".EOF.";

So what should I do? Tell me more...

.EOF. } &add_warning($File, $class, $title, $message); next; # Don't report this as a normal error. } &abort_if_error_flagged($File, O_DOCTYPE); $err->{msg} =~ s/^\s*//; push @{$File->{Errors}}, $err; } undef $fh; return $File; } # # Generate a HTML report of detected errors. sub report_errors ($) { my $File = shift; # # Hash to keep track of how many of each error is reported. my %Msgs; # Used to generate a UID for explanations. print <<"EOHD";

This page is not Valid $File->{Version}!

EOHD if ($File->{Type} eq 'xml' or $File->{Type} eq 'xhtml' or $File->{Type} eq 'mathml' or $File->{Type} eq 'svg' or $File->{Type} eq 'smil') { my $xmlvalid = ($File->{DOCTYPE} ? ' and validity' : ''); print <<"EOHD";

Below are the results of checking this document for XML well-formedness$xmlvalid.

EOHD } else { print <<"EOHD";

Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.

EOHD } if (scalar @{$File->{Errors}}) { print qq(
    \n); foreach my $err (@{$File->{Errors}}) { my($line, $col) = &truncate_line($File->{Content}->[$err->{line}-1], $err->{char}); #DEBUG: Gather vars for print below. my $orglength = length($File->{Content}->[$err->{line}-1]); my $adjlength = length $line; my $orgcol = $err->{char}; my $adjcol = $col; #DEBUG; # # Chop the source line into 3 pieces; the character at which the error # was detected, and everything to the left and right of that position. # That way we can add markup to the relevant char without breaking &ent(). # # # Left side... my $left; { my $offset = 0; # Left side allways starts at 0. my $length; if ($col - 1 < 0) { # If error is at start of line... $length = 0; # ...floor to 0 (no negative offset). } elsif ($col == length $line) { # If error is at EOL... $length = $col - 1; # ...leave last char to indicate position. } else { # Otherwise grab everything up to pos of error. $length = $col; } $left = substr $line, $offset, $length; $left = &ent($left); } # # The character where the error was detected. my $char; { my $offset; my $length = 1; # Length is always 1; the char where error was found. if ($col == length $line) { # If err is at EOL... $offset = $col - 1; # ...then grab last char on line instead. } else { $offset = $col; # Otherwise just grab the char. } $char = substr $line, $offset, $length; $char = &ent($char); } # # The right side up to the end of the line... my $right; { my $offset; my $length; # Offset... if ($col == length $line) { # If at EOL... $offset = 0; # Don't bother as there is nothing left to grab. } else { $offset = $col + 1; # Otherwise get everything from char-after-error. } # Length... if ($col == length $line) { # If at end of line... $length = 0; # ...then don't grab anything. } else { $length = length($line) - ($col - 1); # Otherwise get the rest of the line. } $right = substr $line, $offset, $length; $right = &ent($right); } $char = qq($char); $line = $left . $char . $right; #DEBUG: Print misc. vars relevant to source display. if ($DEBUG) { $line .= "
    org length: $orglength - adj length: $adjlength - org col: $orgcol - adj col: $adjcol"; } #DEBUG; my $msg = &ent($err->{msg}); # Entity encode error message. # Link from line numbers to source iff we're showing it. my $linenr = $File->{'Opt'}->{'Show Source'} ? qq($err->{line}) : $err->{line}; print ' ' x 8; # Indent markup... print qq(
  1. Line $linenr, column $err->{char}: ); print qq{$msg

    }; print qq(


    ); if ($err->{num}) { my(undef, $num) = split /\./, $err->{num}; if (exists $Msgs{$num}) { # We've already seen this message... if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose}) { # ...so only repeat it in Verbose mode. print qq(\n \n); } } else { $Msgs{$num} = 1; print "\n $RSRC->{msg}->{$num}->{verbose}\n" if exists $RSRC->{msg}->{$num} && exists $RSRC->{msg}->{$num}->{verbose}; } my $_msg = $RSRC->{msg}->{nomsg}->{verbose}; $_msg =~ s//$num/g; print " $_msg\n"; # The send feedback plea. } print "
  2. \n"; } print qq(
\n); } # # Add in Jim Ley's JavaScript to show the explanations for every error # message without having to actually download msg.size() * num err. if ($File->{Opt}->{Verbose}) { print ''; } print "
\n\n"; } # # Output "This page is Valid" report. sub report_valid { my $File = shift; my $gifborder = ' border="0"'; my $xhtmlendtag = ''; my $image_uri; my $alttext = ''; my $gifhw = ''; my $source; if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { $source = qq(The uploaded file); } else { my $uri = &ent($File->{URI}); $source = qq(The document located at <$uri>); } unless ($File->{Version} eq 'unknown' or defined $File->{Tentative}) { if ($File->{Version} =~ /^HTML 2\.0$/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/vh20"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 2.0!"; $gifborder = ""; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /HTML 3\.2{Version} =~ /HTML 4\.0<\/a> Strict$/) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html40"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 4.0!"; $gifborder = ""; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /HTML 4\.0<\/a> /) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html40"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 4.0!"; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /HTML 4\.01<\/a> Strict$/) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html401"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 4.01!"; $gifborder = ""; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /HTML 4\.01<\/a> /) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html401"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 4.01!"; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /XHTML 1\.0<\/a> /) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10"; $alttext = "Valid XHTML 1.0!"; $gifborder = ""; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; $xhtmlendtag = " /"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /XHTML Basic 1.0/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/vxhtml-basic10"; $alttext = "Valid XHTML Basic 1.0!"; $gifborder = ""; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; $xhtmlendtag = " /"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /XHTML 1.1/) { $image_uri = "http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml11"; $alttext = "Valid XHTML 1.1!"; $gifborder = ""; $gifhw = ' height="31" width="88"'; $xhtmlendtag = " /"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /HTML 3\.0/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/vh30"; $alttext = "Valid HTML 3.0!"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /Netscape/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/vhns"; $alttext = "Valid Netscape-HTML!"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /Hotjava/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/vhhj"; $alttext = "Valid Hotjava-HTML!"; } elsif ($File->{Version} =~ /ISO\/IEC 15445:2000/) { $image_uri = "$CFG->{'Home Page'}images/v15445"; $alttext = "Valid ISO-HTML!"; $gifborder = ""; } printf qq(

This Page Is Valid%s!

\n), $File->{Version} ? " $File->{Version}" : ''; print &daily_tip($File, $CFG->{'Tips DB'}); &print_warnings($File) unless $File->{Opt}->{Verbose}; print <<".EOF.";

$source was checked and found to be valid $File->{Version}. This means that the resource in question identified itself as "$File->{Version}" and that we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML or XML Parser (depending on the markup language used).

.EOF. if (defined $image_uri) { print <<".EOF.";

$alttext To show your readers that you have taken the care to create an interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page that validates. Here is the HTML you should use to add this icon to your Web page:

      <a href="$CFG->{'Home Page'}check?uri=referer"><img$gifborder

Thanks to this code, you will be able to re-validate your Web page by following the link (click on the image), and we encourage you to do so every time you modify your document.

.EOF. } } elsif (&is_xml($File->{Type}) and not $File->{DOCTYPE}) { print qq(

This document is well-formed XML.

\n); } elsif (defined $File->{Tentative}) { print qq(

This Page Tentatively Validates As $File->{Version} (Tentatively Valid)!

); print &daily_tip($File, $CFG->{'Tips DB'}); &print_warnings($File); print <<".EOF.";

$source was tentatively found to be Valid. That means it would validate as $File->{Version} if you updated the source document to match the options used (typically this message indicates that you used either the Document Type override or the Character Encoding override).

.EOF. } else { print qq(

This document validates as the document type specified!

\n); print <<".EOF.";

$source was checked and found to be valid $File->{Version}. This means that the resource in question identified itself as "$File->{Version}" and that we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML or XML Parser (depending on the markup language used).

.EOF. } unless ($File->{'Is Upload'}) { my $display = my $thispage = &self_url_file($File); $display =~ s/(^.+?)\?uri=(.+)/$1\? uri=$2/; # @@@FIXME: Needs better way! &output_css_validator_blurb($File->{URI}); print <<"EOHD";

If you would like to create a link to this page (i.e., this validation result) to make it easier to validate this page in the future or to allow others to validate your page, the URL is <$display> (or you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist).

EOHD } } # # Produce an outline of the document based on Hn elements from the ESIS. sub outline { my $File = shift; print <<'EOF';


Below is an outline for this document, automatically generated from the heading tags (<h1> through <h6>.)

EOF my $prevlevel = 0; my $level = 0; for (1 .. $#{$File->{ESIS}}) { my $line = $File->{ESIS}->[$_]; next unless ($line && $line =~ /^\(H([1-6])$/i); $prevlevel = $level; $level = $1; my $TAB = $level + 2; if ($prevlevel == 0) { print "
    \n"; } else { if ($level < $prevlevel) { print "\n"; for (my $i = $prevlevel; $i > $level; $i--) { print " " x ($i + 2), "
\n"; print " " x (($i + 2) - 1), "\n"; } } elsif ($level == $prevlevel) { print "\n"; } elsif ($level > $prevlevel) { if ($level - $prevlevel > 1) { foreach my $i (($prevlevel + 1) .. ($level - 1)) { print "\n", " " x ($i + 2), "
    \n", " " x ($i + 2); print qq(
  • A level $i heading is missing!); } print "\n", " " x $TAB, "
      \n"; } else { print "\n", " " x $TAB; print "
        \n"; } } } $line = ''; my $heading = ''; until (substr($line, 0, 3) =~ /^\)H$level/i) { $line = $File->{ESIS}->[$_++]; if ($line =~ /^-/) { my $headcont = $line; substr($headcont, 0, 1) = " "; $heading .= $headcont; } elsif ($line =~ /^AALT CDATA( .+)/i) { my $headcont = $1; $heading .= $headcont; } } $heading =~ s/\\011/ /g; $heading =~ s/\\012/ /g; $heading =~ s/\\n/ /g; $heading =~ s/\s+/ /g; $heading =~ s/^[- ]//; $heading = &ent($heading); print " " x ($level + 2), "
      • $heading"; } print "
      • \n"; for (my $i = $level; $i > 1; $i--) { print " " x ($i + 2), "
      \n"; print " " x (($i + 2) - 1), "\n"; } print "
    \n"; print <<'EOF';

    If this does not look like a real outline, it is likely that the heading tags are not being used properly. (Headings should reflect the logical structure of the document; they should not be used simply to add emphasis, or to change the font size.)

EOF } # # Create a HTML representation of the document. sub show_source { my $File = shift; my $comment = ''; if ($File->{'Error Flagged'}) { $comment = "

I have marked lines that I haven't been able to decode.

\n"; } # Remove any BOM since we're not at BOT anymore... $File->{Content}->[0] = substr $File->{Content}->[0], ($File->{BOM} ? 3 : 0); # remove BOM print <<".EOF.";

Source Listing

Below is the source input I used for this validation:


  my $line    = 1;
  my $maxhlen = length scalar @{$File->{Content}};
  for (@{$File->{Content}}) {
    my $hline = (' ' x ($maxhlen - length("$line"))) . $line;
    printf qq(%s: %s\n),
      $line, $line, $hline, ent $_;
  print "      
"; } # # Create a HTML Parse Tree of the document for validation report. sub parse_tree { my $File = shift; print <<'EOF';

Parse Tree

EOF if ($File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'}) { print <<'EOF';

I am excluding the attributes, as you requested.

EOF } else { print <<'EOF';

You can also view this parse tree without attributes by selecting the appropriate option on the form.

EOF } my $indent = 0; my $prevdata = ''; print "
  foreach my $line (@{$File->{ESIS}}) {

    next if ($File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'} && $line =~ /^A/);

    $line =~ s/\\n/ /g;
    $line =~ s/\\011/ /g;
    $line =~ s/\\012/ /g;
    $line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    next if $line =~ /^-\s*$/;

    if ($line =~ /^-/) {
      substr($line, 0, 1) = ' ';
      $prevdata .= $line;
    } elsif ($prevdata) {
      $prevdata = &ent($prevdata);
      $prevdata =~ s/\s+/ /go;
      print wrap(' ' x $indent, ' ' x $indent, $prevdata), "\n";
      undef $prevdata;

    $line = &ent($line);
    if ($line =~ /^\)/) {
      $indent -= 2;

    my $printme;
    chomp($printme = $line);

    if (my ($close, $elem) = $printme =~ /^([()])(.+)/) {
      # reformat and add links on HTML elements
      $close = ($close eq ')') ? '/' : ''; # ")" -> close-tag
      if (my $u = $CFG->{'Element Map'}->{lc($elem)}) {
        $elem = '$elem";
      $printme = "<$close$elem>";
    } else {
      $printme =~ s,^A,  A,; # indent attributes a bit

    print ' ' x $indent, $printme, "\n";
    if ($line =~ /^\(/) {
      $indent += 2;
  print "
\n"; print "
\n"; } # # Do an initial parse of the Document Entity to extract charset and FPI. sub preparse { my $File = shift; # # Reset DOCTYPE, Root, and Charset (for second invocation). $File->{Charset}->{META} = ''; $File->{DOCTYPE} = ''; $File->{Root} = ''; my $dtd = sub { return if $File->{Root}; ($File->{Root}, $File->{DOCTYPE}) = shift =~ m()si; }; my $start = sub { my $tag = shift; my $attr = shift; my %attr = map {lc($_) => $attr->{$_}} keys %{$attr}; if ($File->{Root}) { if (lc $tag eq 'meta') { if (lc $attr{'http-equiv'} eq 'content-type') { if ($attr{content} =~ m(charset\s*=[\s\"\']*([^\s;\"\'>]*))si) { $File->{Charset}->{META} = lc $1; } } } return unless $tag eq $File->{Root}; } else { $File->{Root} = $tag; } if ($attr->{xmlns}) {$File->{Namespace} = $attr->{xmlns}}; }; my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3); $p->xml_mode(TRUE); $p->ignore_elements('BODY'); $p->ignore_elements('body'); $p->handler(declaration => $dtd, 'text'); $p->handler(start => $start, 'tag,attr'); $p->parse(join "\n", @{$File->{Content}}); $File->{DOCTYPE} = '' unless defined $File->{DOCTYPE}; $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ s(^\s+){ }g; $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ s(\s+$){ }g; $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ s(\s+) { }g; return $File; } # # Print out the raw ESIS output for debugging. sub show_esis ($) { print <<'EOF';

Raw ESIS Output

  for (@{shift->{'DEBUG'}->{ESIS}}) {
    print ent $_;
  print "    
"; } # # Print out the raw error output for debugging. sub show_errors ($) { print <<'EOF';

Raw Error Output

  for (@{shift->{'DEBUG'}->{Errors}}) {print ent $_};
  print "    
"; } # # Preprocess CGI parameters. sub prepCGI { my $File = shift; my $q = shift; # Avoid CGI.pm's "exists but undef" behaviour. if (scalar $q->param) { foreach my $param ($q->param) { next if $param eq 'uploaded_file'; # 'uploaded_file' contains data. next if $q->param($param) eq '0'; # Keep false-but-set params. # # Parameters that are given to us without specifying a value get # set to "1" (the "TRUE" constant). This is so we can test for the # boolean value of a parameter instead of first checking whether # the param was given and then testing it's value. Needed because # CGI.pm sets ";param" and ";param=" to a boolean false value # (undef() or a null string, respectively). $q->param($param, TRUE) unless $q->param($param); } } # Futz the URL so "/referer" works. if ($q->path_info) { if ($q->path_info eq '/referer' or $q->path_info eq '/referrer') { if ($q->referer) { $q->param('uri', $q->referer); print redirect &self_url_q($q, $File); exit; } else { print redirect $q->url() . '?uri=' . 'referer'; exit; } } else { print redirect &self_url_q($q, $File); exit; } } # Use "url" unless a "uri" was also given. if ($q->param('url') and not $q->param('uri')) { $q->param('uri', $q->param('url')); } # Munge the URL to include commonly omitted prefix. my $u = $q->param('uri'); $q->param('uri', "http://$u") if $u && $u =~ m(^www)i; # Issue a redirect for uri=referer. if ($q->param('uri') and $q->param('uri') eq 'referer') { if ($q->referer) { $q->param('uri', $q->referer); print redirect &self_url_q($q, $File); exit; } else { # Redirected from /check/referer to /check?uri=referer because # the browser didn't send a Referer header, or the request was # for /check?uri=referer but no Referer header was found. $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = <<".EOF.";

No Referer header found!

You have requested we check the referring page, but your browser did not send the HTTP "Referer" header field. This can be for several reasons, but most commonly it is because your browser does not know about this header, has been configured not to send one, or is behind a proxy or firewall that strips it out of the request before it reaches us.

This is not an error in the referring page!

Please use the form interface on the Validator Home Page (or the Extended Interface) to check the page by URL.

.EOF. } } # Supersede URL with an uploaded file. if ($q->param('uploaded_file')) { $q->param('uri', 'upload://' . $q->param('uploaded_file')); $File->{'Is Upload'} = TRUE; # Tag it for later use. } # Supersede URL with an uploaded fragment. if ($q->param('fragment')) { $q->param('uri', 'upload://Form Submission'); $File->{'Is Upload'} = TRUE; # Tag it for later use. } # Redirect to a GETable URL if method is POST without a file upload. if ($q->request_method eq 'POST' and not $File->{'Is Upload'}) { my $thispage = &self_url_q($q, $File); print redirect $thispage; exit; } # # Flag an error if we didn't get a file to validate. unless ($q->param('uri')) { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = &uri_rejected(); } return $q; } # # Preprocess SSI files. sub prepSSI { my $opt = shift; my $fh = new IO::File "< $opt->{File}" or croak "open($opt->{File}) returned: $!\n"; my $ssi = join '', <$fh>; close $fh or carp "close($opt->{File}) returned: $!\n"; $ssi =~ s//$opt->{Title}/g if defined $opt->{Title}; $ssi =~ s//$opt->{Date}/g if defined $opt->{Date}; $ssi =~ s//$opt->{Revision}/g if defined $opt->{Revision}; # No need to parametrize this one, it's always "./" in this context. $ssi =~ s||./|g; return $ssi; } # # Output errors for a rejected IP address. sub ip_rejected { my ($host, $ip) = @_; my $msg = $host || 'undefined'; $msg = 'of ' . $msg if ($ip && $host ne $ip); return sprintf(<<".EOF.", &ent($msg));

Sorry, the IP address %s is not public. For security reasons, validating resources located at non-public IP addresses has been disabled in this service.

.EOF. } # # Output errors for a rejected URL. sub uri_rejected { my $scheme = shift || 'undefined'; return sprintf(<<".EOF.", &ent($scheme));

Sorry, this type of URL scheme (%s) is not supported by this service. Please check that you entered the URL correctly.

URLs should be in the form: http://validator.w3.org/

If you entered a valid URL using a scheme that we should support, please let us know as outlined on our Feedback page. Make sure to include the specific URL you would like us to support, and if possible provide a reference to the relevant standards document describing the URL scheme in question.

Remember that you can always save the page to disk and Validate it using the File Upload interface.

Incomplete support for SSL and TLS is a known limitation and is being tracked as Issue #77.

.EOF. } # # Utility subs to tell if type "is" something. sub is_xml {shift =~ m(^[^+]+\+xml$)}; sub is_svg {shift =~ m(svg\+xml$)}; sub is_smil {shift =~ m(smil\+xml$)}; sub is_html {shift =~ m(html\+sgml$)}; sub is_xhtml {shift =~ m(xhtml\+xml$)}; sub is_mathml {shift =~ m(mathml\+xml$)}; # # Check charset conflicts and add any warnings necessary. sub charset_conflicts { my $File = shift; my $cs_use = $File->{Charset}->{Use} ? &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}) : ''; my $cs_opt = $File->{Opt}->{Charset} ? &ent($File->{Opt}->{Charset}) : ''; my $cs_http = $File->{Charset}->{HTTP} ? &ent($File->{Charset}->{HTTP}) : ''; my $cs_xml = $File->{Charset}->{XML} ? &ent($File->{Charset}->{XML}) : ''; my $cs_meta = $File->{Charset}->{META} ? &ent($File->{Charset}->{META}) : ''; # # Add a warning if there was charset info conflict (HTTP header, # XML declaration, or element). if (&conflict($File->{Charset}->{HTTP}, $File->{Charset}->{XML})) { &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Character Encoding mismatch!', <<".EOF."); The character encoding specified in the HTTP header ($cs_http) is different from the value in the XML declaration ($cs_xml). I will use the value from the HTTP header ($cs_use). .EOF. } elsif (&conflict($File->{Charset}->{HTTP}, $File->{Charset}->{META})) { &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Character Encoding mismatch!', <<".EOF."); The character encoding specified in the HTTP header ($cs_http) is different from the value in the <meta> element ($cs_meta). I will use the value from the HTTP header ($cs_use) for this validation. .EOF. } elsif (&conflict($File->{Charset}->{XML}, $File->{Charset}->{META})) { &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Character Encoding mismatch!', <<".EOF."); The character encoding specified in the XML declaration ($cs_xml) is different from the value in the <meta> element ($cs_meta). I will use the value from the XML declaration ($cs_xml) for this validation. .EOF. $File->{Tentative} |= T_WARN; } return $File; } # # Transcode to UTF-8 sub transcode { my $File = shift; my ($command, $result_charset) = ('', ''); if ($CFG->{Charsets}->{$File->{Charset}->{Use}}) { ($command, $result_charset) = split(" ", $CFG->{Charsets}->{$File->{Charset}->{Use}}, 2); } $result_charset = exact_charset($File, $result_charset); if ($command eq 'I') { # test if given charset is available eval {my $c = Text::Iconv->new($result_charset, 'utf-8')}; $command = '' if $@; } elsif ($command eq 'X') { $@ = "$File->{Charset}->{Use} undefined; replace by $result_charset"; } if ($command ne 'I') { my $cs = &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}); $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; $File->{'Error Message'} = sprintf(<<".EOF.", $cs, &ent($@));

Sorry! A fatal error occurred when attempting to transcode the character encoding of the document. Either we do not support this character encoding yet, or you have specified a non-existent character encoding (often a misspelling).

The detected character encoding was "%s".

The error was "%s".

If you believe the character encoding to be valid you can submit a request for that character encoding (see the feedback page for details) and we will look into supporting it in the future.

.EOF. $File->{'Error Message'} .= &iana_charset_blurb(); return $File; } my $c = Text::Iconv->new($result_charset, 'utf-8'); my $line = 0; for (@{$File->{Content}}) { my $in = $_; $line++; $_ = $c->convert($_); # $_ is local!! if ($in ne "" and (!defined($_) || $_ eq "")) { push @{$File->{Lines}}, $line; # try to decoded as much as possible of the line my $short = 0; # longest okay my $long = (length $in) - 1; # longest unknown while ($long > $short) { # binary search my $try = int (($long+$short+1) / 2); my $converted = $c->convert(substr($in, 0, $try)); if (!defined($converted) || $converted eq "") { $long = $try-1; } else { $short = $try; } } my $remain = (length $in) - $short; $_ = $c->convert(substr($in,0,$short)) . "#### $remain byte(s) unconvertable ####"; } } return $File; } # # Check correctness of UTF-8 both for UTF-8 input and for conversion results sub check_utf8 { my $File = shift; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#{$File->{Content}}; $i++) { # substitution needed for very long lines (>32K), to avoid backtrack # stack overflow. Handily, this also happens to count characters. local $_ = $File->{Content}->[$i]; my $count = s/ [\x00-\x7F] # ASCII | [\xC2-\xDF] [\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte sequences | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte sequences | \xED[\x80-\x9F] [\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates | \xF0[\x90-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3 | [\xF1-\xF3] [\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15 | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16 //xg; if (length) { push @{$File->{Lines}}, ($i+1); $File->{Content}->[$i] = "#### encoding problem on this line, not shown ####"; $count = 50; # length of above text } $count += 0; # Force numeric. $File->{Offsets}->[$i + 1] = [$count, $File->{Offsets}->[$i]->[1] + $count]; } # Add a warning if doc is UTF-8 and contains a BOM. if ($File->{Content}->[0] =~ m(^\xEF\xBB\xBF)) { &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); The Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded files is known to cause problems for some text editors and older browsers. You may want to consider avoiding its use until it is better supported. .EOF. } return $File; } # # byte error analysis sub byte_error { my $File = shift; my @lines = @{$File->{Lines}}; if (scalar @lines) { $File->{'Error Flagged'} = TRUE; my $s = $#lines ? 's' : ''; my $lines = join ', ', split ',', Set::IntSpan->new(\@lines)->run_list; my $cs = &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}); $File->{'Error Message'} = <<".EOF.";

Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line$s $lines it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as $cs (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.

.EOF. } return $File; } # # Return an XML report for the page. sub report_xml { my $File = shift; my $valid = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'); my $errs = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? '0' : scalar @{$File->{Errors}}); #PKR: Check if dublin core data was found my $dcpos = index($File->{Bytes}, "http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0"); $File->{DCpos} = (($dcpos > 0) ? "1" : "0"); print <<".EOF."; Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8 X-W3C-Validator-Status: $valid X-W3C-Validator-Errors: $errs ]> .EOF. print qq( ), &ent($File->{URI}), qq( ), &ent($File->{Modified}), qq( ), &ent($File->{DCpos}), qq( ), $File->{Server}, qq( ), &ent($File->{Size}), qq( ), &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}), qq( ), &ent($File->{DOCTYPE}), qq( ); &add_warning($File, 'note', 'Note:', <<".EOF."); This interface is highly experimental and the output *will* change -- probably even several times -- before finished. Do *not* rely on it! See http://validator.w3.org:8001/docs/users.html#api-warning .EOF. if (defined $File->{Warnings} and scalar @{$File->{Warnings}}) { print qq( \n); printf qq( %s\n), &ent($_->{Message}) for @{$File->{Warnings}}; print qq( \n); } if (defined $File->{Errors} and scalar @{$File->{Errors}}) { print qq( \n); foreach my $err (@{$File->{Errors}}) { chomp $err->{msg}; # Find index into the %frag hash for the "explanation..." links. $err->{idx} = $err->{msg}; $err->{idx} =~ s/"[^\"]*"/FOO/g; $err->{idx} =~ s/[^A-Za-z ]//g; $err->{idx} =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse spaces $err->{idx} =~ s/(^\s|\s$)//g; # Remove leading and trailing spaces. $err->{idx} =~ s/(FOO )+/FOO /g; # Collapse FOOs. $err->{idx} =~ s/FOO FOO/FOO/g; # Collapse FOOs. my $offset = $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} - 1]->[1] + $err->{char}; printf <<".EOF.", &ent($err->{msg}); %s .EOF. } print qq( \n); } print qq(\n); } # # Return an EARL report for the page. sub report_earl { my $File = shift; my $valid = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'); my $errs = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? '0' : scalar @{$File->{Errors}}); print <<".EOF."; Content-Type: application/rdf+xml; charset=UTF-8 X-W3C-Validator-Status: $valid X-W3C-Validator-Errors: $errs W3 Validator .EOF. unless ($File->{'Is Valid'}) { printf <<".EOF.", &ent($File->{URI}); Invalid! .EOF. my $errnum = 0 ; foreach my $err (@{$File->{Errors}}) { ++$errnum ; chomp $err->{msg}; # Find index into the %frag hash for the "explanation..." links. $err->{idx} = $err->{msg}; $err->{idx} =~ s/"[^\"]*"/FOO/g; $err->{idx} =~ s/[^A-Za-z ]//g; $err->{idx} =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse spaces $err->{idx} =~ s/(^\s|\s\Z)//g; # Remove leading and trailing spaces. $err->{idx} =~ s/(FOO )+/FOO /g; # Collapse FOOs. $err->{idx} =~ s/FOO FOO/FOO/g; # Collapse FOOs. my @offsets = ( $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} ]->[0], $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} - 1]->[1], $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} - 1]->[1] + $err->{char} ); printf <<".EOF.", &ent($File->{URI}), &ent($err->{msg}); $err->{line} $err->{char} @offsets %s .EOF. } } else { printf <<".EOF.", &ent($File->{URI}); Valid! .EOF. } print <<".EOF."; .EOF. } # # Return a Notation3 EARL report for the page. # # @@ TODO: escape output sub report_n3 { my $File = shift; my $valid = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'); my $errs = ($File->{'Is Valid'} ? '0' : scalar @{$File->{Errors}}); print <<".EOF."; Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-W3C-Validator-Status: $valid X-W3C-Validator-Errors: $errs \@prefix earl: . \@prefix rdf: . \@prefix val: . a earl:Assertor; earl:name "W3 Validator"; earl:asserts .EOF. unless ($File->{'Is Valid'}) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= scalar @{$File->{Errors}}; $i++) { my $err = $File->{Errors}->[$i]; chomp $err->{msg}; # Find index into the %frag hash for the "explanation..." links. $err->{idx} = $err->{msg}; $err->{idx} =~ s/"[^\"]*"/FOO/g; $err->{idx} =~ s/[^A-Za-z ]//g; $err->{idx} =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse spaces $err->{idx} =~ s/(^\s|\s\Z)//g; # Remove leading and trailing spaces. $err->{idx} =~ s/(FOO )+/FOO /g; # Collapse FOOs. $err->{idx} =~ s/FOO FOO/FOO/g; # Collapse FOOs. my @offsets = ( $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} ]->[0], $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} - 1]->[1], $File->{Offsets}->[$err->{line} - 1]->[1] + $err->{char} ); print <<".EOF."; [ earl:testMode earl:Auto; rdf:predicate earl:fails; rdf:subject [ val:column "$err->{char}"; val:line "$err->{line}"; val:offset "@offsets"; earl:testSubject <$File->{URI}> ]; rdf:object [ earl:id ; earl:note """$err->{msg} """ ] .EOF. if ($i == scalar @{$File->{Errors}}) { print " ]\n"; } else { print " ],\n"; } } } else { print <<".EOF."; [ earl:testMode earl:Auto; rdf:predicate earl:passes; rdf:subject [earl:testSubject <$File->{URI}>]; rdf:object [ earl:id ; earl:note "Valid" ] ] .EOF. } print " .\n"; } # # Autodetection as in Appendix F of the XML 1.0 Recommendation. # # # return values are: (base_encoding, BOMSize, Size, Pattern) sub find_base_encoding { local $_ = shift; # With a Byte Order Mark: return ('ucs-4be', 4, 4, '\0\0\0(.)') if /^\x00\x00\xFE\xFF/; # UCS-4, big-endian machine (1234) return ('ucs-4le', 4, 4, '(.)\0\0\0') if /^\xFF\xFE\x00\x00/; # UCS-4, little-endian machine (4321) return ('utf-16be', 2, 2, '\0(.)') if /^\xFE\xFF/; # UTF-16, big-endian. return ('utf-16le', 2, 2, '(.)\0') if /^\xFF\xFE/; # UTF-16, little-endian. return ('utf-8', 3, 1, '') if /^\xEF\xBB\xBF/; # UTF-8. # Without a Byte Order Mark: return ('ucs-4be', 0, 4, '\0\0\0(.)') if /^\x00\x00\x00\x3C/; # UCS-4 or 32bit; big-endian machine (1234 order). return ('ucs-4le', 0, 4, '(.)\0\0\0') if /^\x3C\x00\x00\x00/; # UCS-4 or 32bit; little-endian machine (4321 order). return ('utf-16be', 0, 2, '\0(.)') if /^\x00\x3C\x00\x3F/; # UCS-2, UTF-16, or 16bit; big-endian. return ('utf-16le', 0, 2, '(.)\0') if /^\x3C\x00\x3F\x00/; # UCS-2, UTF-16, or 16bit; little-endian. return ('utf-8', 0, 1, '') if /^\x3C\x3F\x78\x6D/; # UTF-8, ISO-646, ASCII, ISO-8859-*, Shift-JIS, EUC, etc. return ('ebcdic', 0, 1, '') if /^\x4C\x6F\xA7\x94/; # EBCDIC return ('', 0, 1, ''); # nothing in particular } # # Find encoding in document according to XML rules # Only meaningful if file contains a BOM, or for well-formed XML! sub find_xml_encoding { my $File = shift; my ($CodeUnitSize, $Pattern); ($File->{Charset}->{Auto}, $File->{BOM}, $CodeUnitSize, $Pattern) = &find_base_encoding($File->{Bytes}); my $someBytes = substr $File->{Bytes}, $File->{BOM}, ($CodeUnitSize * 100); my $someText = ''; # 100 arbitrary, but enough in any case # translate from guessed encoding to ascii-compatible if ($File->{Charset}->{Auto} eq 'ebcdic') { # special treatment for EBCDIC, maybe use tr/// # work on this later } elsif (!$Pattern) { $someText = $someBytes; # efficiency shortcut } else { # generic code for UTF-16/UCS-4 $someBytes =~ /^(($Pattern)*)/s; $someText = $1; # get initial piece without chars >255 $someText =~ s/$Pattern/$1/sg; # select the relevant bytes } # try to find encoding pseudo-attribute my $s = '[\ \t\n\r]'; $someText =~ m(^<\?xml $s+ version $s* = $s* ([\'\"]) [-._:a-zA-Z0-9]+ \1 $s+ encoding $s* = $s* ([\'\"]) ([A-Za-z][-._A-Za-z0-9]*) \2 )xso; $File->{Charset}->{XML} = lc $3; return $File; } # # Abort with a message if an error was flagged at point. sub abort_if_error_flagged { my $File = shift; my $Flags = shift; if ($File->{'Error Flagged'}) { # PKR: Report error in xml format print <<".EOF."; Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8 X-W3C-Validator-Status: Error X-W3C-Validator-Errors: -1 ]> .EOF. print qq( ), &ent($File->{URI}), qq( ), &ent($Flags), qq( ), &ent($File->{Modified}), qq( ? ), $File->{Server}, qq( ), &ent($File->{Size}), qq( ), &ent($File->{Charset}->{Use}), qq( ), &ent($File->{DOCTYPE}), qq( ); undef $File; exit; } } # # conflicting encodings sub conflict { my $encodingA = shift; my $encodingB = shift; return $encodingA && $encodingB && ($encodingA ne $encodingB); } # # Return a text string suitable for inclusion in the result table. sub popup_doctype { return &CGI::popup_menu( -name => 'doctype', -id => 'doctype', -default => '(detect automatically)', -values => [ '(detect automatically)', 'XHTML 1.1', 'XHTML Basic 1.0', 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional', 'XHTML 1.0 Frameset', 'ISO/IEC 15445:2000 (ISO-HTML)', 'HTML 4.01 Strict', 'HTML 4.01 Transitional', 'HTML 4.01 Frameset', 'HTML 3.2', 'HTML 2.0', ], ); } # # Return a text string suitable for inclusion in the result table. sub popup_charset { return &CGI::popup_menu( -name => 'charset', -id => 'charset', -default => '(detect automatically)', -values => [ '(detect automatically)', 'utf-8 (Unicode, worldwide)', 'utf-16 (Unicode, worldwide)', 'iso-8859-1 (Western Europe)', 'iso-8859-2 (Central Europe)', 'iso-8859-3 (Southern Europe)', 'iso-8859-4 (North European)', 'iso-8859-5 (Cyrillic)', 'iso-8859-6 (Arabic)', 'iso-8859-7 (Greek)', 'iso-8859-8 (Hebrew, visual)', 'iso-8859-8-i (Hebrew, logical)', 'iso-8859-9 (Turkish)', 'iso-8859-10 (Latin 6)', 'iso-8859-13 (Baltic Rim)', 'iso-8859-14 (Celtic)', 'iso-8859-15 (Latin 9)', 'us-ascii (basic English)', 'euc-jp (Japanese, Unix)', 'shift_jis (Japanese, Win/Mac)', 'iso-2022-jp (Japanese, email)', 'euc-kr (Korean)', 'gb2312 (Chinese, simplified)', 'gb18030 (Chinese, simplified)', 'big5 (Chinese, traditional)', 'tis-620 (Thai)', 'koi8-r (Russian)', 'koi8-u (Ukrainian)', 'iso-ir-111 (Cyrillic KOI-8)', 'macintosh (MacRoman)', 'windows-1250 (Central Europe)', 'windows-1251 (Cyrillic)', 'windows-1252 (Western Europe)', 'windows-1253 (Greek)', 'windows-1254 (Turkish)', 'windows-1255 (Hebrew)', 'windows-1256 (Arabic)', 'windows-1257 (Baltic Rim)', ], ); } # # Construct a self-referential URL from a CGI.pm $q object. sub self_url_q { my ($q, $File) = @_; my $thispage = $File->{Env}->{'Self URI'}; $thispage .= '?uri=' . uri_escape($q->param('uri')); $thispage .= ';ss=1' if $q->param('ss'); $thispage .= ';sp=1' if $q->param('sp'); $thispage .= ';noatt=1' if $q->param('noatt'); $thispage .= ';outline=1' if $q->param('outline'); $thispage .= ';No200=1' if $q->param('No200'); $thispage .= ';verbose=1' if $q->param('verbose'); if ($q->param('doctype') and not $q->param('doctype') =~ /(Inline|detect)/i) { $thispage .= ';doctype=' . uri_escape($q->param('doctype')); } if ($q->param('charset') and not $q->param('charset') =~ /detect/i) { $thispage .= ';charset=' . uri_escape($q->param('charset')); } return $thispage; } # # Construct a self-referential URL from a $File object. sub self_url_file { my $File = shift; my $thispage = $File->{Env}->{'Self URI'}; my $escaped_uri = uri_escape($File->{URI}); $thispage .= qq(?uri=$escaped_uri); $thispage .= ';ss=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Source'}; $thispage .= ';sp=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Show Parsetree'}; $thispage .= ';noatt=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No Attributes'}; $thispage .= ';outline=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Outline'}; $thispage .= ';verbose=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'Verbose'}; $thispage .= ';No200=1' if $File->{Opt}->{'No200'}; return $thispage; } ################################################################################ # Abandon all hope ye who enter here... ######################################## ################################################################################ # # This is where the SOAP magic happens. package MySOAP; sub check { my $class = shift || ''; my $uri = shift || ''; my $File = &main::handle_uri($uri, {}); $File = &main::find_xml_encoding($File); if ($File->{Charset}->{HTTP}) { warn "HTTP"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{HTTP}; } elsif ($File->{ContentType} =~ m(^text/([-.a-zA-Z0-9]\+)?xml$)) { warn "CT"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'us-ascii'; } elsif ($File->{Charset}->{XML}) { warn "XML"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{XML}; } elsif ($File->{Charset}->{Auto} =~ /^utf-16[bl]e$/ && $File->{BOM} == 2) { warn "autoBOM"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'utf-16'; } elsif ($File->{ContentType} =~ m(^application/([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\+)?xml$)) { warn "app+xml"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = "utf-8"; } elsif (&main::is_xml($File->{Type}) and not $File->{ContentType} =~ m(^text/)) { warn "text"; $File->{Charset}->{Use} = 'utf-8'; } $File->{Content} = &main::normalize_newlines($File->{Bytes}, &main::exact_charset($File, $File->{Charset}->{Use})); $File = &main::preparse($File); unless ($File->{Charset}->{Use}) { $File->{Charset}->{Use} = $File->{Charset}->{META}; } $File->{Type} = 'xhtml+xml' if $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ /xhtml/i; $File->{Type} = 'mathml+xml' if $File->{DOCTYPE} =~ /mathml/i; $File = &main::parse($File); if ($File->{'Is Valid'}) { return $File->{ESIS}; } else { return $File->{Errors}; # return join '', map {"$_->{line}:$_->{char}:$_->{msg}\n"} @{$File->{Errors}}; } } # Local Variables: # mode: perl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 2 # perl-indent-level: 2 # End: