Status on Fangs update for Firefox 1.5: Real Soon Now

An update to make Fangs compatible with Firefox 1.5 is in the works. It almost works, but Firefox 1.5 broke the default setting for how developers can access the document object in javascript. I will try to update it as soon as possible. Thank you for all the encouraging emails.

An update to make Fangs compatible with Firefox 1.5 is in the works. It almost works, but Firefox 1.5 broke the default setting for how developers can access the document object in javascript. I will try to update it as soon as possible. To receive a notification when the new version is available, please sign up to the Fangs mailing list over at the Sourceforge project page.

For those who are adventurous I can report that if you manually recompile the Fangs extension XPI and update the maximum allowed Firefox version number you will get an almost working version (you will have to click the Fangs reload button every time).

Thank you for all the encouraging emails. If you want to support the development of Fangs, please take a while to look at my Google ads (maybe you find something interesting you want to click on…) or please consider making a donation via PayPal.

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